Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sketchy Thursdays on a Scrappy Mother's Day

Was directed by a friend to the Sketchy Thursdays blog and found their weekly sketch.  Inspired me to finally use these dodgy boogie boarding photos that have been kicking around for a while.  We had a fabulous time frolicking in the ocean on the Sunshine Coast (thanks Auntie Betty & Uncle Chris!) and I'm glad I finally found the information to scrap it!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Back at it again!

I'm back at the online challenges... And here are some of my latest entries:

I uploaded this one at Screen 2 Scrap (  I love their concept:  Take a popular movie poster (this month was Fried Green Tomatoes), throw in some basic criteria and have at it!  Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

This one was for a sketch challenge at A 2 Z Scraplets (  I love sketches because they give me just enough to boost my creative mojo, but I still have the freedom to make it my own.  The frangipani flowers in this layout were picked for me by my kids when we were at the koala sanctuary.  They are such a beautiful, delicate flower... just like me!  (*lol*)

Stay tuned... I'll try to upload more in the next little while...


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Prize Opportunity at

Hi All,

Just thought I'd share a contest that I found online... Hurry to enter....
