Friday, November 19, 2010

DT @

I love, love, LOVE the products at Lots of inky, blingy goodness - and some pretty cool charms as well. So when I saw that they are having a DT call, I just HAD to give it a shot. Here are my submissions:

Scenes from a Jammie Day features flowers, charms and glimmer mist from my2angels, as well as some thickers and gorgeous Kaisercraft paper. The chipboard element is from

Scenes from Rehearal (apparently, I'm on a "scenes" kick) features plain card stock that I got my ink on with! Used lots of Ranger Distress Inks, stamps and masks and their alcohol inks to brass up the charms. The flowers, charms and inks are available at

Thought I'd throw in a card for good measure. All the paper is from the Kaisercraft Christmas 6x6 Paper Pad - then inked and distressed with Ranger products. Chipboard from 2Crafty.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Way cool - SBC Card Sketch Challenge

Ok, I'm geeking out a little bit because I have figured out how to post directly to my blog from Picasa... which means it's WAY easier to post these items.

This is a card that I made for Scrapbook City's latest challenge. I just realized that it is almost 100% Kaisercraft product - all the paper is from a 6x6 paper pad and the bling and rubons are also Kaisercraft. The beige cardstock is from who knows where (!) and I used a bronze coloured Versacolor ink pad for edges. Oh - and of course, I Glimmer Misted the background papers, but unfortunately, it doesn't show up well in photos.

Now, on to the layout challenge!

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Always Love Me a GIVEAWAY!

Stumbled upon another fabulous blog candy giveaway:

 Samantha ( is giving away a fabulous looking mixed bag of yummies.  Check out her blog and follow the instructions and this stuff could be yours!  (Although, honestly, I'm hoping it will be mine.)


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Scrapbook City & Kaisercraft

I'm early this time!  I found some time this weekend to work on the latest Scrapbook City challenges.  I also thought I'd combine challenges again, so I used the Kaisercraft "Mix it up" Newsletter challenge for my layout.

SBC is holding a colour challenge this time - lots of brights - which totally go against my typical mojo.  So, I pulled up the Kaisercraft newsletter and found the following criteria:
  • Stripes
  • 2 photos
  • Photo frame/frame
  • Flower
So here's what I came up with:
It's not too fancy, but seems to satisfy all the criteria.  Going to have to work on my ability to WOW when I'm outside my comfort zone....

My card is simple too - again, find it really challenging to work with brights.  My own design on a Kaisercraft gate fold card:

So, time to check out some other challenges, but fingers crossed as always for these random draws :D


Friday, October 8, 2010

Get Picky!

Just discovered another new challenge blog (like I needed ANOTHER one to follow;D) and thought I'd share -   partly to expose my tiny band of followers to a new challenge, and partly to enter the draw for a pretty RAK!

Here's the RAK:

Check out and tell them I sent ya!  :D


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Take that, Patterson! =D Scrapbook City BLING Layout Entry

How great is it when a harmless challenge turns into a *friendly* rivalry?!?  I felt the need to ensure I posted this layout tonight since my wonderful friend (who shall remain nameless!) decided to compete head on with me for the Scrapbook City Card Blog Challenge...   (Of course, since it's a random draw, I actually have a shot at winning!)

So here's my BLING layout:

This one can also be used for this month's A2Z Scraplets - AND I ACTUALLY INCLUDED A SCRAPLET THIS TIME!!! =D  Without realizing it, I could have also entered it in the Artastic Challenge Blog, but missed the cut off... Funny how I managed to meet those criteria without even trying - must have been on my brain.

As for the criteria for THIS challenge - needed to use bling - and did I ever?  Kaisercraft bling Pearl strands on the ribbon, Glimmer Mist on the background pages, Distress Stickles and Smooches on the flowers (a little tough to see in the photo), Gold Smooch on the Scraplet, and of course, a bling arrow from Kaisercraft.  The best part?  I got to use my COPIC markers to COLOUR MY BLING!  I didn't have any brown bling flourishes, so I pulled out some clear Prima Say it in Crystals and my brown COPIC marker and coloured it in.  Voila! 

I also really love this photo.  It was an impromptu shot of my boy saying goodbye to his cat the day before we came back to AUS after a brief visit home.   The look on his face breaks my heart.  The kids miss their furry babies so much when we are overseas.  We are all looking forward to reuniting with them when we move back to Canuckia...

Cheers!  =D

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Scrapbook City BLING Card Blog

Finally - I challenge I can TRULY sink my teeth into :D.  BLING!  

As those who actually pay attention to what I do, I use a lot of bling on my layouts... It's rare for me to do a project without bling... or ink.  Hence my newly pronounced personal style - BLINGKING!

Anyway, the card I created for the latest Scrapbook City card blog is created predominantly from Kaisercraft's Hippy Girl line.  I just won this package and was instantly inspired to start using it.  I used Kindy Glitz, Glimmer Mists (2 kinds), glittered pattern paper, bling shapes, bling rhinestones...  I think you get the picture... I incorporated a far amount of bling in one little card.

Time to see if I can squeeze out a BLING layout for the Scrapbook City Blog layout challenge... Then it's time to PACK IT ALL UP as we head out for their semi-annual retreat tomorrow.  So excited!

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mojo Monday AND Scrapbook City Challenges

I almost forgot this challenge over at Scrapbook City!  Looking forward to the upcoming retreat, I checked the blogs and realized that Scrapbook City is holding a fantastic challenge on both their card and layout blogs.  Needing further mojo, I checked out Mojo Monday and found that these two challenges went hand in hand!

I created this card using the Kaisercraft LUSH line - patterned papers, lace and stamps.  I stamped in my favourite Ranger Distress Inks (Walnut Stain and Tea Dye) and punched using EK Success and Martha Stewart punches.   

For the layout contest, I used the latest Sketchy Thursdays sketch.  I used the LUSH line again, and SMOOCHED my Kaisercraft wooden flourish to add a little ZING!

Not sure if I love it... I think it needs some more tweaking... but tomorrow IS another day!


Monday, September 6, 2010

A Multi-Tasker, I am!

I think I hit THREE challenges with this layout!  It's very simple, but I think it satisfies all the required criteria...

1.  Sketchy Thursdays (I based the layout on this week's sketch...)

2.  Scrapping the Music (Part of the title is a lyric from the song "We Are Going To Be Friends" by the White Stripes)

3.  From Screen 2 Scrap (I think I satisfied all the requirements: 1- Red and Yellow cardstock. 2- Black title, 3- Incorporate a Handprint)

Like, I said, not the most complicated layout... but I think I like it...  If I do say so myself!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Under the Wire - Sweet P

Just getting this one in under the wire!  My2Angels is celebrating a birthday and I thought it would be fun to pull out my products and get an entry in.  It's definitely my favourite place to purchase Bling... and the home of the most gorgeous little charms ever...

Time for bed... The kids will be up too soon... 


Sunday, August 29, 2010

So Happy Together - My Kids with Sketchy Thursdays

It's not very often I get a photo of both my kids smiling at the same time.  Usually one is beating on the other one, or one is pouting and the other is gloating or making a silly face.

I pulled out my Fancy Pants Designs "My Family" kit and pulled together this layout for this week's Sketchy Thursdays challenge.  I used Weathered Wood for my typical inking and Ranger Distress Stickles for my Bling :)  I also used some Queen & Co. letters and flowers to complete the look.

It's a bit of a loose interpretation.  I usually stick pretty close to the sketch, but this week I decided to follow the mojo.  Feels good to get my mojo going again after taking a crazy busy sabbatical this week.  On to the next challenge!

Cheers.  :D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sketchy Thursdays Card Challenge

Decided to "have a go" at this week's card challenge over at Sketchy Thursdays.  Since it's somebody's birthday next weekend, I thought a birthday card might be appropriate.

I love Basic Grey paper for cards.  The patterns are often muted enough that they lend well to being combined in a small area without too much confusion.  I stamped the Hero Arts "Leaves and Flower Scatter" stamp in "Tea Dye" Ranger Distress Ink on the striped paper, then sprayed all three scraps with "Coffee" Glimmer Mist. 

The butterfly was a bit of a surprise for me.  I used a Stampin' Up (Butterfly of Happiness) stamp with Versamark, then embossed it with Ranger Distress Emboss PUFFS.  What I did not realize is that instead of a glossy raised print like I usually get when embossing, I would get this lovely, puffy look to my butterfly... Now I know!  ;D


Time for an update...

I had to take a bit of a break from scrapping last week to work my creative mojo in other areas, but it's now time to get back in the saddle!  Here's my latest entry for A2Z Scraplets:

Love this picture of my daughter's sister.  I'd been saving it for a while, and when I realized I had some of this paper leftover from another challenge, I knew it would be perfect!  I've also been wanting to try rolling papers and layering them.  Hubby's not fussy on the look, but I think it just adds some great dimension.  All the paper is from Kaisercraft (surprise, surprise since they're my new favourite line of papers) and so are the black rhinestones.  Also played with some Stayz-On ink, Kindy Glitz and Glossy Accents on the butterflies and dots and one of my new Martha Stewart border punches on the polka dotted scrap. 

On to the next challenge...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th at My2Angels - Candles!

It was just a bad combination all around - a time-sensitive blog challenge, candles (or fire of some sort) and it's Friday the 13th!!!  With my stash having literally crashed around me, virtual folders of very important-to-me photos missing from my hard drive, and felt letters and their fluff all over, I have managed to complete my layout for the fantastic second birthday relay!

Here is my layout:

Wondering where those candles are?  Here's a closer look:

Supplies:  Available at My2Angels:  star felt ribbon, boy extreme ribbon, Ranger Distress Stickles, Skull charm.  Other supplies:  Unknown black cardstock, Kaisercraft Fozz Fonts, mesh painters' tape.

I hope I haven't let my team down.  I'm not used to creating such minimalistic layouts, but a certain friend keeps telling me that negative space is a good thing ;D

Happy 2nd Birthday! I absolutely love your charms and other unique scrapbooking yummies...  Thanks for organizing such an interesting way to celebrate!  :D


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

GIrlfriends - Sketchy Thursdays September GDT entry

Keeping with a theme... Love playing with the Girlfriends paper line still - and needed to do a layout for Sharon, our illustrious host for our last Girlz Weekend.  

I received a bottle of Ranger Glossy Accents YEARS ago, but never really played around with it until recently.  I am now OBSESSED.  I love how it took my plain, black title and elevated it to girly blingyness!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's that time again - Another Sketchy Thursday's entry

I had a lot of fun with this layout this week.  Part of it was due to the fact that I was scrapping such a fun weekend - part of it was the fun paper and supplies (all from TPC Studio's Girlfriends line) - and part of it was the challenge of the sketchy from Sketchy Thursdays.

I'm just putting the finishing touches on another entry for Sketchy Thursdays, this time for the September GDT competition.  It's looking very familiar - as I'm using the same patterned paper line, and photos from the same weekend.  It will be fun to see how it all goes down...


Yay Me - Again =D

Just thought I'd share that I won a random draw over at a2z Scraplets!

This layout is very special to me... maybe because, for once, I'm happy with a photo of myself?  I also love the paper, the pearls, the colours... it just all came together really nicely.  Everything in this layout is from Kaisercraft - the majority from their Prairie Lane line.  Even the Pearls!

I'm always so inspired by the sketches at a2z Scraplets.  Check out their blog (link above) and try out their monthly sketch.  I can't wait to receive my scraplets so I can start playing with them!

Speaking of which - time to get my scrap on and prep my layout for their August challenge.  Cheers!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hello World - I'm Back!

It's been a bit of a holiday/adjustment period, but I am back scrapping and creating and mojo-ing :)

I've also been discovering new blogs - like Scrap the Boys!  After having scrapbooked only my son for the first four years I scrapbooked, it's great to see a blog dedicated to getting those boy-focused layouts done.

And they're hosting a giveaway!  Click on the here to visit Scrap the Boys and learn how you can be entered into the draw being done on 14th August...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Another Inspirational Lady to Check Out!

If you happen to be keeping an eye on my blog, you read about my meeting Georgia Keayes... that same morning, I met Sherry Mendoza - another fabulous lady from Scrapbooking Memories Magazine.  I just checked out her blog, and in addition to the super giveaway she currently had going on, I love her layouts that she posts as well!

Drop by and tell Sherry that Cynthia from CanEHda sent ya!  :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last one for now: My Fairy Girl

Ok, so I should be packing for our overseas trip, but I really wanted to get at the June Sketch Challenge over at A2Z Scraplets:

My Fairy Girl is all done in Kaisercraft, with Airy Fairy papers - which I totally fell in love with when we went to the outlet a few weeks ago.  Whenever I scrapbook my daughter's photos, I can't help but go crazy with the bling and sparkle... What do you think?  Did I go overboard?  You can't really go overboard with bling, can you?

I better go get some cleaning done, or hubby may have some other ideas on bling...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Look! It's another Sketchy Thursday...

*** Just found out that this layout was a Sketchy Thursdays DT FAVE!!!  Woohoo! ;D***

Love, love, LOVE this photo... and am glad I finally found the inspiration to scrap it.  It was difficult to not automatically go with a cute bug paper and fill the page with bugs and worms, especially with all the cute papers Kaisercraft has put out recently.  I was happy to find this patterned paper, and recreated the flowers from it to match.  

A little stamping and doodling later... A masterpiece is created... :D

Monday, June 14, 2010

A New Blog to Follow - And a RAK to Win!

I met an absolutely lovely lady today - Georgia Keays is a Scrapbooking Master with Scrapbooking Memories Magazine who presented a workshop today at the Papercraft Expo.  She very generously shared an hour of her time to describe her experiences in "getting published".  It was a wonderfully informative time, and I promised to start stalking her immediately as soon as I got home... so I am!

I checked out her blog and she is giving away a fabulous RAK right now:

The yummy Pink Paisley RAK

If you're reading this now, get your butt over to Georgia's blog and check it out!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Still going... July GDT Spot at Sketchy Thursdays...

Another day, another challenge.  I really liked the GDT sketch for July over on, so I decided to have a go at it.  The colours of the Kaisercraft Skull Girl line fit in well with my daughter's hat and big mischievous smile in the photo.  
I've also been playing with more bling and doodling and brought it into this design.  Very happy with how doodling around the design on the paper made it *POP* out.  

On to the next project... =D

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sketchy Thursdays... on a Tuesday...

Still trying to keep at the challenges and stretching my imagination, here is a layout for the latest Sketchy Thursdays call:

I've had the paper and the photo for a while - I have no idea why I haven't put them together before... but I think I'm happy with the overall result.  :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yay Me!

Just thought I'd post that my LO - Sisters by Marriage took the Runner Up prize over at Screen-2-Scrap!

Woohoo!  Time to pull out all my stuff and get some more challenges... this is starting to be fun!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sketchy Thursdays on a Scrappy Mother's Day

Was directed by a friend to the Sketchy Thursdays blog and found their weekly sketch.  Inspired me to finally use these dodgy boogie boarding photos that have been kicking around for a while.  We had a fabulous time frolicking in the ocean on the Sunshine Coast (thanks Auntie Betty & Uncle Chris!) and I'm glad I finally found the information to scrap it!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Back at it again!

I'm back at the online challenges... And here are some of my latest entries:

I uploaded this one at Screen 2 Scrap (  I love their concept:  Take a popular movie poster (this month was Fried Green Tomatoes), throw in some basic criteria and have at it!  Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

This one was for a sketch challenge at A 2 Z Scraplets (  I love sketches because they give me just enough to boost my creative mojo, but I still have the freedom to make it my own.  The frangipani flowers in this layout were picked for me by my kids when we were at the koala sanctuary.  They are such a beautiful, delicate flower... just like me!  (*lol*)

Stay tuned... I'll try to upload more in the next little while...


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Prize Opportunity at

Hi All,

Just thought I'd share a contest that I found online... Hurry to enter....


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Prima Promo!

And once again Prima has an amazing give-away!!!

That's Right! Prima is giving away two more AMAZING prize packages in conjunction with our BIG SECRET!

We want EVERYONE to have a chance to win so we are changing the rules a bit.

  • Please copy this write-up and link us on your blog, Facebook, or any other site that you frequent (please follow their TOU).
  • Then post here with a link to your blog, Facebook or site post for your chance to win BIG with Prima!
  • One US and one International winner will be chosen on Thursday, March 4th, 2010.
  • And we are getting closer and closer to revealing our secret-it won't be long now!

Just a couple more days of suspense!